Musculoskeletal diseases are conditions that affect the muscles, bones, joints, tendons and other tissues related to the musculoskeletal system. This system is essential to the structure and function of the human body, providing support, movement and protection to vital organs.


Symptoms of musculoskeletal diseases can vary considerably depending on the specific type of disease and the region of the body affected. Common symptoms associated with musculoskeletal diseases:


  • Localized in a joint or muscle.
  • May be acute, chronic, constant or intermittent.
  • Possibly aggravated by movement or use of the affected joint.


  • Inflammation around a joint.
  • It may be accompanied by a feeling of warmth and redness.


  • Difficulty moving a joint or limb.
  • Usually more noticeable in the morning or after prolonged periods of inactivity.


  • Loss of strength in affected muscles.
  • Difficulty in performing daily activities.

Difficulty in performing daily activities:

  • Limitations in tasks such as walking, lifting, writing, etc.
  • Loss of dexterity or coordination.

Types of musculoskeletal diseases

Complex Regional Pain

Shoulder Pain

Knee Pain

Hip Pain


Sports and Work Related Injuries.


Treatments for musculoskeletal conditions vary depending on the type and severity of the specific condition.

Specific treatment will depend on the nature of the musculoskeletal disease and the individual patient’s response. It is essential to work with healthcare professionals, such as rheumatologists, orthopedists or physical therapists, to develop an appropriate treatment plan and effectively manage symptoms.

Nerve blocks:

  • Local nerve block: involves the administration of local anesthetics near a specific nerve to temporarily block nerve signal conduction and relieve pain.
  • Image-guided nerve block: Image guidance, such as fluoroscopy or ultrasound, is used to precisely place the needle at the nerve site.
  • Sympathetic nerve block: Targets the sympathetic nerves, which are involved in regulating automatic body functions. Used to treat conditions such as complex regional pain.

Denervation (Rhizotomy):

  • Facet rhizotomy: Involves the controlled destruction of nerves that transmit pain signals from the facet joints of the spine.
  • Radiofrequency Denervation: Uses radiofrequency energy to interrupt painful nerve signals. It is commonly applied to facet joints, dorsal root ganglia and other specific sites.

Radiofrequency (RF) for Nerve Ablation:

  • Pulsed radiofrequency (PRF) ablation: uses pulses of energy rather than continuous heat to modulate nerve activity.
  • Continuous Radiofrequency Ablation: Involves the application of continuous heat to reduce the transmission of painful signals. It is used in various areas, such as facet joints, geniculate nerves and others.

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